Regardless if you’re a beginning student of Jazz Guitar or an established player, we all have at least five albums that we cannot be without! With that said, Jazz Guitar Life has asked Canadian Jazz Guitarist Shan Arsenault what his five would be (assuming that he knew before hand that he was going to be stuck on a desert island and that said island had electricity and a full component stereo system 🙂

1) Charlie Parker: The Charlie Parker Story – This started the whole jazz trip for me. In particular the song called Koko from this album.

2) Pat Martino: Consciousness – The first time I heard him was on this album and it was perfection. He had it all. Great tone. Great Feel. etc…

3) Joe Henderson: So Near, So Far – John Scofield is the perfect side man. Beautiful accompaniment and great solos.

4) Kurt Rosenwinkel: The Next Step – By far the best combination of great guitar playing and fantastic compositions.

5) Jim Hall: Live! – Guitar, Bass and Drums at their finest. Nothing more to say!
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great choices Shan
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Take care and all the best.
Lyle – Jazz Guitar Life