Jazz Guitar Legacy Interview with Jack Petersen – Part 1
Well, they didn’t have that then, but they did have something else. It’s a thing called “hot licks.” You know, you hear a hot lick and you say to yourself, ‘hey, play that again. Let […]
Well, they didn’t have that then, but they did have something else. It’s a thing called “hot licks.” You know, you hear a hot lick and you say to yourself, ‘hey, play that again. Let […]
“Kenny Burrell was a champion and mentor to me during a still very formative time in my career. As the years have progressed beyond that time, the magnitude of what he was trying to do […]
…the light bulb came on as to what I needed to do if I wanted to have a sustained career in music. With that credit I was able to go on and work with Ronnie […]
“The only unique thing about me is me – I’m the only one. The hard part, the part I’m still trying to live up to with integrity, is feeling like that’s enough. Everyone is searching […]
Welcome Jazz Guitar Lifers to Dr. G.’s Spotlight Series featuring Chicago Jazz Guitarist Henry Johnson. Enjoy 🙂 ………… As a one-man operation, if you would like to support all the work I do on Jazz Guitar […]
“…he invites people to come in and be a guest teacher or guest instructor. So I got a call from him one day, somebody had mentioned my name to him and he asked me if […]
“I’ve always had a very specific practice routine. I’m naturally a very regimented person and like to figure out what my goals are and how I can achieve them. My practice has always been divided […]
“So I played with Jack McDuff. He sat in with us and played… and he actually took my phone number. And a couple of months later, Jack McDuff called me. He was… I don’t know […]
“Grant Green, Wes Montgomery, Kenny Burrell, Jimi Hendrix, George Benson, Pat Martino, Albert King, B.B. King, and Charlie Christian are integral to the way I approach this music. There are countless recordings by them that […]
“My perception of the guitar has not changed. It’s still the same as it always has been, which is: it can function as a horn, it can function as part of the ensemble. I think […]
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