Regardless if you’re a beginning student of Jazz Guitar or an established player, we all have at least five albums that we cannot be without! With that said, Jazz Guitar Life has asked Canadian Jazz Guitarist Warren Greig what his five would be (assuming that he knew before hand that he was going to be stuck on a desert island and that said island had electricity and a full component stereo system) 🙂

1) Billy Bean, Walter Norris and Hal Gaylor – The Trio: Billy Bean may not be as well known but he was a great jazz guitarist who recorded in 50’s and early 60’s. Great lines, articulation and tone, ahead of his time and precursor to Pat Martino.

2) The Montgomery Brothers in Canada – Live at the Cellar: Wes and his brothers play great live date. Wes is always wonderful but this is amazing. I got this record when I was 18 years old.

3) Jim Hall – Live Trio: Recorded at Bourbon Street in Toronto. Creative and spontaneous playing.

4) Paul Desmond Quartet – Live: One of my first records in my teens with Ed Bickert on guitar. Incredible comping and Desmond plays great!

5) Joe Pass – Virtuoso: Another one of my first records, great playing.
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